First of all, watch this: Next, listen to this: [Into It: Rabbit-Jumping on KMUW] Into It: Rabbit-Jumping January brought the return of a fledgling UK tradition: the Rabbit Grand National competition. While most people are familiar with equestrian show jumping, …
Listen to the audio version over at [KMUW] Tremolo: Into It What is perhaps the most basic musical effect, tremolo—the undulation of volume—has a remarkable history that has yet to be fully documented. The formal use of tremolo dates back to the …
Listen to the segment, which features music from bands Mum and Tortoise, over at [KMUW] Into It: Time Zones The South Pacific nation of Samoa skipped December 30th, 2011, all together. Once resting just twenty miles east of the International …
Click [Here] to listen to the segment. Christmas in America is warm and fuzzy, stuffed with Santa, reindeer, and helpful elves. We get little exposure to the more sinister old-world European characters, a host of demonic bogeymen that have been adopted …
My favorite part of T-Pain is the reflection of his groupies in his sunglasses. That and his acknowledgment that Auto-Tune is the software his career is built upon. In both cases, the magic of post-production is pulled back. T-Pain is …
Like most people, I have this thing for antiquated technology, for DOS prompts and floppy disks, the crackle of a modem. My favorite trick for years was scratching or blowing onto a receiver to kick my brother off the internet. 28.8, …
[Click here] to listen. The Atlantic coastline has become the new Wild West, or at least that’s what the bizarre marketing campaigns launched against the non-native lionfish would lead us to believe. Lionfish have become such a threat to the ecosystems and …
Click [Here] to listen to the audio of this segment at October 31st is a day inextricably tied to the paranormal, to haunted houses and the ghostly costume parties of Halloween. But the 31st also marks the anniversary of …
I took this picture a few weeks ago at the Kansas State Fair. In a room filled with award-winning scarecrows, flower pots, arrangements of vegetables on card tables, ears of corn, and jars of wheat, this refrigerated case displayed two …
Click here to listen to the original “Cinemagraph” Into It segment. The term “cinemagraph” was coined earlier this year by photographers Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg to describe what are essentially more artful versions of the common animated .gif. The file …
I’m starting to think I’m an amateur oceanographer trapped in a landlocked state. This week I talk about submarines. Listen to it [Here]. The development of the submarine took hundreds of years of trial and error across the globe. In 1620, the first …
Jacques Cousteau drew attention to blue holes, or submerged caves, when he sailed his research ship Calypso into Belize to chart the depth of the “Great Blue Hole.” Surprisingly, blue holes have garnered little attention aside from tourism until recent years. …
Click HERE if you’re interested in: Barber Poles Loneliness The Middle Ages Bloodletting Fire Cupping Dentistry Leeching Wash Basins Veins Old Men With Razors Barber-Surgeons Grasshoppers Canada Ice Hockey (see Dentistry) Parachuting Other forms of falling and/or spinning Cylinders Beach …
This week I did an Into It segment about party lines, which you can hear online at KMUW. Party lines, which connected a string of phones with one open line that any user could patch into at any given moment, were a …